Nghiên Cứu Về Những Khó Khăn Và Biện Pháp Khắc Phục Của Sinh Viên Khoa Vật Lý Khi Theo Học Khóa Học Chuyên Ngành Giảng Dạy Bằng Tiếng Anh Tại Trường Đại Học Khoa Học Tự Nhiên, Đại Học Quốc Gia Hà NộiEnglish-medium instruction (EMI) has been a great interest to language and language policy researchers in an era of globalization and internationalization. In spite of recognising implemental problems and constraints, EMI has been widely introduced into countries where English is not the native language. This paper reported the findings of the study that aimed at identifying second-year physics students‟ challenges and their coping strategies when they studied the EMI program. Two issues, hence, are investigated: (1) what challenges the learners face and (2) what are their coping strategies in the implementation of EMI in Vietnam. The analysis of empirical data garnered from questionnaires and interviews reveals that the students faced such serious challenges as: students‟ English ability and comprehending lectures. Their common strategies were group work, extensive reading, lecture attendance, completing assigned work and memorization. Based on these findings, suggestions are made for enhancing the success of similar programs.
- Field: English Teaching Methodology
- Code: 60140111
- Author: Đỗ Thị Thanh Thư
- Supervisor: Dr. Vu Thi Thanh Nha
- Page: 59
Link download Liên Hệ Zalo : 0346.316.961
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Luận Văn Thạc Sĩ Nghiên Cứu Về Những Khó Khăn Và Biện Pháp Khắc Phục Của Sinh Viên Khoa Vật Lý
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